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Making a Bequest to London Bus Museum

Making a donation to Cobham Bus Museum

As a Registered Charity, the Museum pays no inheritance tax (under current rules) on legacies it receives. By making a Bequest to the Trust, you can help us to preserve London’s Bus Heritage for future generations. You can leave to the Trust either a specific sum of money/proportion of your estate or your collection of transport items. We recommend that you consult an expert before drawing up your will but suggest the following wordings for you to consider:

  • I give the whole (or a percentage share) of the residue of my estate to the London Bus Preservation Trust, Registered Charity No. 1053383 to be used for its general charitable purposes.
  • I give free of tax the sum of £________ (in figures and words) to the London Bus Preservation Trust, Registered Charity No. 1053383 to be used for its general charitable purposes.
  • I give my collection of transport memorabilia and ephemera to the London Bus Preservation Trust, Registered Charity No. 1053383, to be retained or disposed of at the discretion of its trustees in furtherance of the Charity’s general objectives.

Please remember us in your will and help to secure the long-term future of London’s Bus Heritage.

© 2025 London Bus Museum