OPEN today

(i)   Structure, Governance & Strategy

The Trust aims to remain strategically-driven, mission-focused and managed in full accordance with regulatory requirements and best practice for Registered Charities and Accredited Museums.

(ii)  Collecting, Restoration and Conservation

The Trust aims to create and maintain the most representative and authoritative collection of historic London buses and associated artefacts, and to achieve the highest practical standards of restoration and conservation.

The collection will comprise buses which operated in the London Traffic Area (from the earliest days up to 1970) and in Greater London since, together with associated artefacts that illustrate the development and operation of the vehicles.  The Trust will be cognisant of the contents of other collections in deciding whether to add potential vehicles.

(iii)  Display, Access, Participation & Education

We recognise the value of London’s bus heritage to the social history and development of the capital and will seek to inform and educate current and future generations.

(iv)  Operational objectives

We will maintain a diversified and sustainable funding base that enables the Trust to achieve long-term financial viability and achieve its strategic aims and objectives, through museum entry charges, the museum shop, a membership scheme together with donations and legacies.  We will not undertake commercial operations but will where appropriate make charges for vehicle use where it supports our objectives.  We will be guided by professional standards in  fundraising, marketing, financial control and governance.

(vi)  Volunteers and Supporters

Volunteers and volunteering are central to the way we work and we will provide support, training and a management structure that ensures the experience is rewarding for all concerned.  We will communicate effectively with other members and supporters to enable them to benefit fully from the support they provide.

© 2025 London Bus Museum